Young People

We have tried to develop this part of our website to help young people who are registered with The Bellingham Practice.


All appointments are confidential and we appreciate that for young people living in a small community this is extremely important.  We would only consider passing on information if it was felt you were in danger or being harmed, and would always tell you if this was going to happen. Sometimes you might find it difficult to get to the surgery because of bus timetables so if you are making an appointment to coincide with the school transport, please let us know and we will try and fit you in.

Sometimes it is difficult for you to access the services we offer for a number of reasons:

  • It could be that because of school you are unable to get to the surgery

  • It could be the school bus doesn't get to Bellingham in time.

  • It could be that because you don't live in Bellingham it would mean asking someone to bring you

  • It could be that you would feel uncomfortable sitting in the waiting room because of who might see you

Hopefully by developing this web page we may be able to address some of these problems for you.  We would therefore like to give the following information:

  • All consultations are confidential from family, friends and school.

  • We will try and coincide your appointment with the school bus for you.

  • If you need any confidential advice about health issues please make an appointment or telephone us at the surgery.

  • If you would like an appointment, but would prefer not to sit in the waiting room, then let us know and we will arrange this for you.

  • We have both male and female doctors for you to choose from.

  • You can consult with a doctor from 14 years old unaccompanied.

  • We have a Chaparone Policy in the practice which means that you could have a trained member of staff with you in your consultation at yours or the doctors request.

  • Contraceptive prescriptions are FREE


Telephone numbers you might find useful:

  • SORTED-A confidential substance misuse service (under 18's) Tel: 01670 500150 or 0800 6335872

  • G.U.M. Clinic (Genito-Urinary Medicine Clinic-Newcastle General Hospital)- 0191 229 2999

  • Northumberland Sexual Health Service  01670 515151

  • Childline 0800 11 11

  • Northumberland Stimulant Service  07590 442777

  • Clinic information


Websites that you might find useful:

youth service

Chlamydia Screening

Did you know that screening for Chlamydia is free to the under 25's.  You don't even need to tell us about it although if you would like to disucss it with a GP we will be happy to advise you.

If you think there may be a chance that you have CHLAMYDIA  then why not pop into the porch at the practice and pick up a pack.  You can even send your urine sample away yourself so if you are worried about someone seeing you in the practice, then fear not you don't even need to come into the main reception area

Young Health

Online Consultations

You can get non-urgent advice from a clinical member of our team easily and without having to attend the surgery.  You may be advised however that it would be best for you to come in but where possible we will try and answer any questions you may have by this  online consultation service.  There is a clinical person in the practice who will be able to reply to you from a Tuesday to a Friday, so if there is something you are unsure or  worried about why not get in touch.

Here is a link to your new online Consultations

Online booking for GP appointments

It may be easier for you to book your GP appointment at the surgery via our website.  If you would like to use this facility then please either call in at the practice or telephone and we will issue you with a user name and password.